What's so funny?
Ok, I'm an American and I'll be the first to admit that our government has done some pretty bone-headed things in the past.
However, I fail to see what's so damn funny about the deaths of 3000+ people. It's one thing to talk bad about America and condemn its actions, but come on, flying 757's into buildings? That's just plain sick.
You say you're pissed off at America because we have a stuck up attitude, and because we chose to retaliate after what happened on 9/11. If Al Queda and the Taliban can come in and kill U.S. citizens, I think we have every right to strike back. I know you're thinking : "Well, there goes another American, making my point, can't accept the fact that America is vulnerable."
If a suicide bomber ran into your home and killed your entire family right now, what would you do? Sit there and feel sorry for the attacker because he killed himself?
All I'm trying to say is, just because someone has a beef with us doesn't justify what happened on 9/11. You may not realize it, but most Americans know how they are percieved throughout the world.
For the sake of everyone who died as a result of the attacks on 9/11, people in both America and Afghanistan, please stop laughing. Because it's sure as hell not funny.